Goodbye Art Studio

Goodbye Art Studio

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Goodbye Art Studio

I lite the last fire in the fire place
I sweep the floor for the last time
I close the window and wrap up the leather strap
around the wooden handle I carved,
to synch it tight against the wind

This hundred year old barn where the mountains meet the prairie,
this world within a world like a second skin to me,
the closest thing to my own mind, made manifest outside my body

This realm of vulnerability and honesty
with its fireplace and mantle, installed with my own hands
from a thick beam I found in a corn field

This place full of bones and sticks and moss and poems
You have been a spark, and a friend to me 

This place of a thousand things

part art studio
part monastery
part writer’s retreat
part mystic’s daydream,
part naturalist’s collection,
part child’s magnifying glass,
part storyteller’s living metaphor,
part poet’s love letter to the world.

I will miss you and your family of honeybees just outside,
so generous and kind in spirit

Your chicken coop on the other side of the wall

You are a teacher of so many lessons,
and a maker of endless saw dust

Thank you dear friend
for everything you are,
and for everything you have given to me

I take you with me as I leave.

My mind a snail and you the shell


Where do you feel most creative, most free to be your true self? Comment below, or send me a message with your thoughts and photos at

Lead Animals

Lead Animals

Leaving - A Meditation

Leaving - A Meditation